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18th Century Scottish Sachet

$ 5.95

3X5 draw string muslin bags
Original Recipe

Instructions say:

"To be laid amongst your clothes. It will give a fragrant smell and keep the moths and worms away." 

This comes from an authentic 18th century Scottish Herbal Grimoire.

Place this with your clothing, trunks, or blankets. It smells like Bay Rum.

A bit of history:

A lot of times there is a misunderstanding for a lot of terms and ingredients: 

For example: There are many types of Grimoires and not all of them are "bad" or "evil". This specific one is held in the archive of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow and its whole focus is on medicines, salves, and herbs.

Historically, many times books like this would be passed down to the female generations in the family because they would need to know how to make various medical salves, cosmetics, ointments, as well as how to make cleaning solutions for the home. They would have passed down their ancestors recipes and then the new generation would add their own to the book. These are very rare to come by ( mostly do to heavy use).

It's also important to note that sometimes people get scared or have a pre-formed opinion when they see old books like this and the recipes call for specifics like: "Blood"- In most translations this means Elder Sap or here is another "Ear of a Goat"- This is "slang" for St. John's Wort... "Tooth or Teeth" are really Pine cones. So really when you know and understand this.. it takes the scariness away from it.. and in truth.. these are normal recipe usually for various apothecary goods that can be made at home. 

This type of herbal code is usually found in smaller secluded villages and towns which didn't have a bustling center hub for trade and goods. A lot of times they created their own slang terms for plants and other ingredients.. for a few reasons. 1.writing was a problem- if they knew how to write or spell, so shortening it like: ("Eyes" = usually mean Daisy or Eyebright ( these are plants). So it was the easier way than spelling the whole word. Also each family could have a specific slang term for plants and so their recipes were kept secret and in their family. Herbal Grimoires like this really have nothing to do with the common belief of spells and such. It was just another form of language used at the time.I am proud to be bringing these ancient recipes back for you. 

One sniff of this sachet and you will fall in love. Great scent for the holiday season. All of our herbs and oils we use are all natural and 100% organically certified. So you know your sachet is all natural and good for you and your family.