
Twig the Fairy and the Rainbow to Some Day

$ 19.95 $ 15.95

Not every day is full of sunshine, puppies, rainbows, mermaids and unicorns, but you can have a book full of them, to read every day.

Lets face it, no one is immune to bad days. Twig the Fairy has had some downright terrible days, from crash landings in trees, and tearing her wings in brambles, to struggling with loneliness. In her 4th book however, she teams up her imagination with a colorful flock of fairies and mermaids to bring you a whimsical explosion that is bound to leave you grinning.

  • One hard cover copy of Twig the Fairy and the Rainbow to Someday 
  • Puppies, Kittens, Bunnies, and Unicorns Inside
  • Approximately 40 Full Color Pages & 40,000 bajillion words (Disclaimer: this assumes a picture is worth 1000 bajillion words)
  • Illustrated in Photo
  • This book to be read at a safe distance from pickled asparagus, due to unicorns' peculiarly sensitive allergenic response to it.
  • Reading this book has been statistically proven to boost your body's natural rainbow tolerance, increase your page turning ability, and help improve less than perfect days. 
  • Perfect for mermaids, fairies, goblins, unicorns, and humans of all ages between 0 and 273 (Apologies to ages 274 and up)