Faerie Magazine Issue #35, Summer 2016, Print

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Issue #35 features a gorgeous photo spread and profile of Kathy Gfeller (who is also known as Twig the Fairy), a novel excerpt from author Diana Abu-Jaber, an original fairy tale (and knit) from Alice Hoffman and Lisa Hoffman, a gorgeous homage to Labyrinth by photographer Bella Kotak (and one to Prince from his former artistic director), Sadie Smith writing about the mythical art of Annie Stegg, Laren Stover talking to Joel Grey, a feature on mermaids, kelpies, selkies, and sirens... and much more! This issue will be in stores and subscriber hands in June!

Order the issue, or subscribe today! One year (four issues) is $32; two (eight issues) is $52. Additional shipping charges for orders outside the US.